Highest Standards
Research and Development
Throughout the past decades, our top priority has always been to deliver the highest quality products. We have invested extensively in research and development to ensure that our products consistently exceed industry standards. Our inne® products have been developed by top-tier specialists, who have utilized cutting-edge technology and equipment to ensure that our products are nothing short of exceptional.
Our trademark has always been and will always be quality!

Our Research and Development Facility
Our cutting-edge 1500 m2 research and development laboratory is the heart of our department, where we developed and test inne® products using state-of-the-art equipment and the latest technologies.
Development Led by Recognised Experts in the Industry
Our product development team, comprised of recognized industry experts, is backed by a research team of over 40 scientists and specialists, who bring their vast knowledge and expertise to the development process. Notably, several scientific patents have been developed by our team of scientists, who have also authored numerous nutritional plans.
Clinical Research
We carefully choose our product ingredients to ensure optimal absorption and digestion. This means that the nutrients in our products are readily available for your body to use.
inne® products are designed with high-quality materials and composition for your child's safety and well-being. We subject our products to multiple clinical trials ensuring that your children receive nothing but the best.
Quality is our Top Priority
Our team of experienced scientists develop safe and effective products specifically tailored to meet the needs of children. We maintain the highest standards of quality and safety.
Dr. Stephen M. Dahmer
Board-certified Integrative Family Physician

Dr. Stacey Bell
Nutritional consultant to the food and dietary supplement industries

Dr. Michael J. Balick
Internationally-recognized ethnobotanist

Dr. Emanuele Chisari, MD, PhD
Physician-scientist specializing in microbiology and microbiome